Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Easy way to make money with Internet Ads

Hi Everyone,

When running your business, at some point you will typically spend money on advertisements to promote your product or service. There is some financial risk involved. You might spend $2000 on a full page ad in a magazine and hope that you get new business that exceeds the amount of money you spend on the ad.

I will now provide an example of placing an ad with zero financial risk and a good chance that you will make money and help grow your business. management software provides the ability for members to login and access many different services. Some of the services that are available to each member:

* Ability to schedule for personal training
* Ability to register for a class
* View Videos
* View prescribed workouts from trainer
* Track cardio workouts
* View daily fitness related articles
* Purchase services
* View receipts
* View Fitness Assessments (and your progress)
* View your appoinments
* much more.....

With Shape.Net, you can place advertisements in the member login area.

When each member logs in, they will see the ad.

Bottom line, each member has a good incentive to login throughout the week. If you have 300 members logging in every day, that is alot of visability for an ad.

You can sell this ad space to businesses in your area. You will also have the ability to track how many times the ad was clicked.
We have clients that use the Shape.Net system receiving $100 a month for ad space. Additionally, the gym using the system can also use this ad space to promote products and services they are selling to their members.

In summary, you now have another way to help grow your business by using the power of the internet and effective web-based management software.


1 comment:

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