Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The 4 Hour Workweek

Hi Everyone,

How many people would like to work less than 40 hours per week?

How many people would like to work less than 10 hours per week?

If you don't believe this is possible, stop reading this blog entry.

For those of you that are still reading, this could be one of the best days of your life.

There are processes that we do every day, such as reading email, writing email, organizing email, calling clients, calling prospects, speaking to your boss, speaking to your employees, etc that can take up most of your eight hour day.

Lets examine the daily email process. I use tracking software (http://www.rescuetime.com/) that tells me where I spend my time each day during my workday. I end up spending about 3 hours a day dealing with emails. Tim Ferriss, (I'll tell you more about him later) spent much more time than me with his daily emails.
Now he checks email once a week AND he is more effective with it than before.
He used to make 40k a year working 70 hours a week. Now he makes 40k a month working 4 hours a week.

How is that possible? Well, you don't get there in one day. You move to that point.
For example, you can start checking emails each day at 11am and 3pm. Create an auto-responder that tells people that. If there is an emergency, provide them a number for them to call you. You'll find out that people can wait. Then you start checking it Mon, Wed, Fri... well, you get the point.

Where can you learn how to move towards a 4 hour work week? Go to the website of
Tim Ferriss: (http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/) , AND BUY HIS BOOK !!!!

Shape.Net Software has alot of time saving features built into the product.
For example, members can go to the website of the health club that uses Shape.Net, follow the link for member class registration, and the member can easily register for classes for the gym online. Now when they come in to the gym, they just swipe their key tag, the system records attendance and pays the class instructor the appropriate pay. The alternative, is to have the front desk manually handle this process.
This is time consuming and error prone as classes get larger.

Now just like the email process (moving from 3 hours a day to checking once a week), a gym using Shape.Net software should take the same approach. Start the online registration for just one of your classess 3 times per week. Once you get the process running smoothly with your staff, you can now offer more classes via online registration.

Bottom line, you will be moving from a process that would take you and/or your staff 10 or more hours a week to under 1 hour a week, with fewer mistakes.

What will you do with all this extra time?
Might be a good topic for this BLOG next week.

Larry King
Shape.Net software

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care Reform and How it Can Help Your Business

Hi Everyone,

On 3/21/2010, historic health care reform legislation was approved by the US House of Representitives that was previously passed by the US Senate this past December.

There are many elements of this legislation that can be debated regarding the pros and cons. I will discuss one feature that will directly involve your business and how it can help you.

One new law that is part of this legislation provides for an increase in premium discounts (30%-50%) for employees who participate in workplace wellness programs that require participants to satisfy certain conditions such as body mass index, cholesterol or blood pressure.

This will increase employer and employee interest in wellness programs that have assessments and health tracking, all features that are available in the Shape.Net software system.

This will also increase the frequency of visits to health clubs since people will have to satisfy certain health requirements.

Additionally, the legislation codifies a Bush administration regulation that allows insurance companies to offer unlimited reimbursement amounts for fitness center memberships.

If I owned a health club or personal training facility, I would immediately contact employers in my area to make them aware of these new laws. I would do some preliminary research that you can provide to the employer to make it as easy as possible to get their employees to workout at your facility.

You can get hundreds of new clients from employers in your area if you present this powerful information to them effectively.

Hope this post was helpful.

Larry King
Shape.Net software