Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care Reform and How it Can Help Your Business

Hi Everyone,

On 3/21/2010, historic health care reform legislation was approved by the US House of Representitives that was previously passed by the US Senate this past December.

There are many elements of this legislation that can be debated regarding the pros and cons. I will discuss one feature that will directly involve your business and how it can help you.

One new law that is part of this legislation provides for an increase in premium discounts (30%-50%) for employees who participate in workplace wellness programs that require participants to satisfy certain conditions such as body mass index, cholesterol or blood pressure.

This will increase employer and employee interest in wellness programs that have assessments and health tracking, all features that are available in the Shape.Net software system.

This will also increase the frequency of visits to health clubs since people will have to satisfy certain health requirements.

Additionally, the legislation codifies a Bush administration regulation that allows insurance companies to offer unlimited reimbursement amounts for fitness center memberships.

If I owned a health club or personal training facility, I would immediately contact employers in my area to make them aware of these new laws. I would do some preliminary research that you can provide to the employer to make it as easy as possible to get their employees to workout at your facility.

You can get hundreds of new clients from employers in your area if you present this powerful information to them effectively.

Hope this post was helpful.

Larry King
Shape.Net software


Terrence said...

great stuff Larry. Thanks for being so diligent in getting this to us.

K Hunt - 24/7 said...

Thanks for the tip, Larry. Do you know where we can find this specific legislation? Would like to site it in Wellness proposals.

Thanks again!

Larry King, Shape.Net Software said...

Hi K Hunt, (Karrah !!!!)

I would suggest to contact your local or state representitive, such as your mayor or state senator.
They would be able to best handle the legislation as it applies to your business.