Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Simplify your Billing Process: December 2008 Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

If you want to save over $300 for your business each month, please continue to read…...

Billing is an important part of any business and all companies should strive for two things:
Processing transactions INEXPENSIVELY and EFFECIENTLY.

All businesses can improve their billing process. Let’s first discuss keeping your expenses down.

The biggest charge to your company, in the billing process, will be from your merchant. To process credit cards you need one. Most Merchants charge between 2-4 percent for each credit card transaction, plus about $.20. If you try and process a $100 credit card, the merchant will take $3.20 (3% plus $.20). You should strive to get merchant fees as low as possible. If you can get your rate down to 2.5% your fees will be $2.70. If you process 100 transactions per month at 2.5%, you can save your business $50 per month. Shape.Net can offer merchant rates as low as 2.19%. Not bad.

Let’s take this process one step further. A better way to process payments would be via eCheck (bank debit). Shape.Net can process eChecks for only $.25. If you process 100 transactions for $100 each,
Credit card fees from your merchant (3%) will be $320. If you process these same 100 transactions as eChecks, your charges will be $25, a savings of $295 !!!

This is not a misprint !!!! To process an eCheck all you need from your client is their checking account number and their bank routing number. The key is to offer this payment method to clients. You can also offer something simple and free if they do this. To process eChecks with Shape.net, you need to setup a gateway that integrates with your merchant. The bottom line is that you will be processing all payments
Thru your Shape.Net system.

Even if you are locked into another merchant account while using Shape.Net, we can still integrate the system where you keep your merchant. Most importantly, you will have the opportunity to process eChecks that can easily save your business hundreds of dollars per month.

What are you waiting for? Contact me now to get this started: larryking@getshape.net.

The next newsletter will discuss how to process billing efficiently, saving you time and money.

At your service,

Larry King

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