Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's Easy to go Paperless !!!

If you have a business, you probably waste a lot of time trying to stay organized.
When you are organized, you are a lot more effective in running your business.

Getting rid of unnecessary paper will help you to get more organized.

How can you do this: Just go paperless.

Shape.Net software offers many features that can help you do this.
Digitally signed contracts, member web portal for their receipts, bar coded or fingerprint check in, and the ability to upload documents for any member are 4 simple things you can do to have a paperless business.

1. Contracts - System will generate contract after adding membership terms for specified member. Member can view contract and sign a signature pad that is attached to computer.

2. Member can view receipts - Many people would rather not get a receipt but rather have all purchases for their gym to be accessible from the member web login.

3. Check In - Using bar coded key tags or fingerprint check in is a great and easy way to eliminate paper sign in sheets.

4. Upload docs - Any document associated with a member can be scanned and attached to a member profile. This is easier than having to save a hard copy of important documents for your members.

The above mentioned elements are easy to phase into your business.

If and when you do this, you will be able to operate your business much more effectively. And your all important clients will appreciate that !!!

Have a great day !!!!!


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