Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rome was not Built in a Day !!!

Rome was not built in a day.
Take one step at a time.
Walk before you run.

All of the above are phrases you have all heard before. Yet it still amazes me how people, including myself, get overwhelmed with the never ending tasks that need to be done each day to operate a successful business. You might even handle the daily tasks, yet miss important things that are needed to grow your business successfully.

For example, you might make sure that you return every email that someone sends you each day, but do nothing regarding having a plan to handle, track and communicate with prospects that are needed to ultimately grow your business.

Shape.Net management software can handle everything you need to manage and grow your business effectively. Yet sometimes, the owner of the gym will not utilize all of the great features in the software because he/she is overwhelmed with daily operational tasks.

Shape.Net provides comprehensive value to any business that uses it, including: Membership and Personal Training management, Scheduling, Prospect management, Check In, Point of Sale, EFT, Fitness Assessments, Videos, non-member registration, digital contracts, invoices, collections, expense tracking, online access for members and trainers, Class scheduler and much, much more. Instead of using several software systems to run your business, you can use one web-based system to do it all !!!

Instead of being overwhelmed with all of these features that can help your business, implement and learn each one every 2 weeks. For example, create a simple plan to start offering and recording fitness assessments for your members. 2 weeks later, integrate your website to your Shape.Net system (easy to do) so that you can start capturing people that have an interest in your gym easily from your website.

Take it one step at a time and you will be taking strides in making your business more effective and more successful.

Hope this helps….


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

9 out of 12 is not that Bad.

Hi Everyone,

I would like to share with all of you a great line I read a couple of days ago.

Ed Koch, the former mayor of New York City (1979-1988) was asked before an election how a voter should determine whether or not they should vote for him. Mr Koch said that if you agree with me on 9 of 12 issues, vote for me. If you agree with me on 12 of 12 issues, you should see a psychiatrist !!!

What a great point.

There are not many things in life that you will agree with someone on every single point. That's especially true with software.

Shape.Net software can help your business grow many different ways. The core functions to run a business effectively and efficiently are handled in the system. You might not agree with every single process and feature in the system, but collectively, it is very difficult to find a system that is more comprehensive than Shape.Net in the health and fitness industry today.

Have a great day......
