We just finished exhibiting at the Fitness Business Summit 2009 in Anaheim California this past weekend. Several of our clients attended and some were speakers and event leaders including Cabel McElderry (http://www.oneto1fitness.com/)
and Josh Carter (http://www.carterfitness.com/).
What a great event !!! Here is an insider video about this: http://tinyurl.com/cao4gd
The above mentioned clients are very successfull because they do three things:
- They use Shape.Net and focus on what elements can help their business
- They attend and/or participate in seminars within their industry
- They educate themselves in several ways including using our HELP DESK SUPPORT center with Teri Portello
The most important aspect about our software system is to continually take advantage of software training sessions with Teri on a consistent basis.
Sometimes the best things that you are looking for are already in the system.
At you service,
Larry King