Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Software + Education + Seminars = More Money for You!!

Hi Everyone,

We just finished exhibiting at the Fitness Business Summit 2009 in Anaheim California this past weekend. Several of our clients attended and some were speakers and event leaders including Cabel McElderry (http://www.oneto1fitness.com/)
and Josh Carter (http://www.carterfitness.com/).

What a great event !!! Here is an insider video about this: http://tinyurl.com/cao4gd

The above mentioned clients are very successfull because they do three things:

  • They use Shape.Net and focus on what elements can help their business
  • They attend and/or participate in seminars within their industry
  • They educate themselves in several ways including using our HELP DESK SUPPORT center with Teri Portello

The most important aspect about our software system is to continually take advantage of software training sessions with Teri on a consistent basis.

Sometimes the best things that you are looking for are already in the system.

At you service,

Larry King



Monday, March 23, 2009

What a Seminar !!!!

Hi Everyone,

What an event we just had. Let me just tell you what some attendees had to say:

This seminar was invaluable to our business. I can't wait to get back to work to implement the tools I learned. BEDROS was awesome and invigorating.

BEDROS was our guest speaker: http://www.theartofsellingfitness.com/

Cannot put a price on it !!! Pays for itself.

I will save over $2000 a month implenting things I learned such as running my billing thru system, running retention reports and running marketing reports.

These seminars are great ways to more effectively use the Shape.Net system. There are many great features of the system that can help your business grow : non-member registration, online scheduling, online videos, online workouts, posting ads, paperless contracts, using gift cards, uploading videos, running retention reports, running prospecting reports, sending text messages from system, much, much more.

BEDROS spoke for over 2 hours and taught everyone how to close 9 out of 10 sales !!!!!

He spoke about great marketing techniques on the internet, how to create effective videos, told you why you should get a facebook account and a twitter account. If you don't know who BEDROS is, you should !!!!!! Bedros Keuilian is recognized as the "hidden genius" behind many of the most recognized names and facilities in the personal training industry.

He will be a part of all future SHAPE.NET seminars. He can help !!!!!


Keep on learning, keep on marketing and utilize the powers of the internet !!!!

Next seminar will be on the EAST coast in October. Will provide more details later.

Larry King

